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Termination of licences for horse-drawn carriages (¿galeras¿) on the resignation of the licence holder

Who can make this request? Individuals
Documentation to be submitted
  • General request form indicating the waiver of the horse-drawn carriage licence.
Where can I request this? Any Integrated Customer Services Unit (OAC) (Registry)
Procedure duration This procedure has a duration of 3 months
  • Municipal regulations on urban horse-drawn passenger transport with driver (¿galeras¿).
Who processes the request?

Transport Department
(Sección de Transportes)
Avda. Sant Ferran (on the corner of C/ Son Dameto).
Local Police Station
Tel: 971 22 55 22
Fax: 971 28 25 65
E-mail: transit@palma.es

Ways to start procedure Upon request of the party
Requirements You must be the licence holder or heir to the licence
Decision-making organization

Transport Department
(Sección de Transportes)
Avda. Sant Ferran (on the corner of C/ Son Dameto).
Local Police Station
Tel: 971 22 55 22
Fax: 971 28 25 65
E-mail: transit@palma.es

Administrative silence In evaluation
End of administrative recourse The resolution puts an end to the proceedings
Resources Optional appeal for reversal and administrative appeal
9 of April, 2021

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulàlia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat