
Marking of alignments and gradients

Who can make this request? Anyone
Documentation to be submitted
  • Application form;
  • Layout of the zone.
Where can I request this? The request form may be handed in at any Integrated Customer Services Unit (OAC) (Registry)
Price and payment method Fee 310-00
Who processes the request?

Urban Development Operations Processing Office
(Servicio de Tramitación de Sistemas de Actuación)

Avda. Gabriel Alomar, 18-5º

Tel: 971 22 59 00


Ways to start procedure Upon request of the party
Requirements Any person with a legitimate interest (Article 31, Law 30/1992)
Decision-making organization

Urban Development Operations Processing Office
(Servicio de Tramitación de Sistemas de Actuación)

Avda. Gabriel Alomar, 18-5º

Tel: 971 22 59 00


Administrative silence Rejected
End of administrative recourse The resolution puts an end to the proceedings
Resources Optional appeal for reversal and administrative appeal
5 of February, 2019

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulàlia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat