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Municipal Register of Inhabitants of Palma de Mallorca: new registrations, deregistration, address changes and periodic renewal of registration of foreign nationals from non-EU countries


 Currently we serve in the offices of the public attention.

Request an appointment: related operations are by appointment census provided it is high and changes of address. The appointment can be requested through this page, by clicking here in the same office in person or by phone at 010 from 14 pm to 7 am.

Who can make this request? Individuals
Documentation to be submitted

See informative leaflet issued by the Population Department: Municipal Register

  • Royal Decree 1690/1986 (11 November) approving the Regulation of Population and Territorial Demarcation by Local Entities.
  • Law 7/1985 (2 April) regulating the Bases of Local Government.
  • Law 30/1992 (26 November) on the Legal Framework governing Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure.
Who processes the request?
Ways to start procedure Upon request of the party
Requirements Residency in Palma
Decision-making organization
Administrative silence Does not apply
End of administrative recourse The resolution does not end to the proceedings
3 of April, 2023

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulàlia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat