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Obtenció de la targeta de resident ORA

Documentation to be submitted

Documents required 

In the beginning:

  • Specific or general application (provided to the office of the Division of ORA-ACIRE and OAC)
  • ID of the applicant
  • Driving
  • Driving license
  • Technical details Vehicle

In the procedure:

    • La targeta de resident és per un any natural i es renova en els dos darrers mesos de l'any. Es pot renovar mitjançant entitat bancària, en cas de rebre l'avís per al pagament de la taxa a una de les entitats financeres, i se li envia la targeta al seu domicili. En cas contrari, s' ha de renovar al Negociat d' ORA-ACIRE.
    • Or must return a card from the old vehicle and present your driving license and the technical specifications of the new.
    • Should go to the Headquarters Traffic to communicate it, and return a card if the new home (must be registered) belongs to an ORA will be issued a new badge.
  • -LOW:
    • Must be returned before the mark a month since the incident occurs.

Deadline for processing

  • If the negotiated procedures of ORA-ACIRE, met all the requirements for it and paid the amount of the fee, which will be delivered at the time requested. Otherwise, the processing time can be up to 3 months.
Where can I request this?

·Division of ORA-ACIRE

  • Av. San Fernando (cant. with c. Dameto Son) Local Police Building at the entrance, in the Citizen Advice Bureau Hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 14 pm
  • Tel. 971 22 55 22 / 00, ext. 2135, 2405 i 2424
  • Fax: 971 28 25 65
  • A/e: oraacire@palma.es

·Any OAC (Register)

Price and payment method

Rate for the parking of motor vehicles on public roads municipal 316.00 concept. If cash is high Brokered of ORA-ACIRE the request of the bank or symbol for renewal, if applicable.


- Municipal Traffic, art. 58 to 68 (BOIB. 80, July 5, 2001)

-Tax Ordinance

Who processes the request? Division of ORA-ACIRE
Ways to start procedure Upon request of the party

  • Be an individual, the owner of a vehicle registered in an ORA (sectors 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 3-2 or 3 -3).

  • Do not have the vehicle sealing order.
Decision-making organization Division of ORA-ACIRE
More information

What type of vehicles may not have a card?

  • Ten places or more vehicles (cars, vans or combined vehicles), trucks, buses, articulated buses, trailers, semitrailers, tractor, trailers and tractors, regardless of the number of seats.

How many ORA cards can grant?

  • Only given a card for owner / holder of vehicles, except that he lives the / her spouse or first degree relatives, registered at the same address and hold a driving license.

And if the address that appears in my documents is not present?

  • ORA regulations provides that if the driving license appears another temporary residence granted a distinctive change it before the Provincial Traffic by current address. It is not mandatory to change the address of the ID card or driver's license.
23 of November, 2022

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulàlia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat