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Municipal regulations

Legislation - Culture, Education and Sports

Municipal regulations

Name Final approval Publication BOB/BOCAIB/BOIB
Publication       Date
Internal regulations for the organisation and operating of the municipal school council of Palma

28/09/2006 12 23/01/2007
Reglament de la banda de música municipal

20/11/1974 18219 11/06/1983
Regulation for Honours and Awards

28/04/2005 85 04/06/2005
Regulation for Linguistic Normalisation

24/09/1987 131 20/10/1987
Regulation for the Municipal Patronage of Infant Schools of Palma

31/10/2001 73 18/06/2002

5 Contents

Lateral_Trāmits altres administracions - 060 Lateral_Trāmits Govern de les Illes Balears Electronic notice board of announcements &  edicts Help services provided by the Electronic Office

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulālia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat