
Green Card (Carnet Verd)

Advantages: Discount on the Municipal Transport Company's "Empresa Municipal de Transports" (EMT) bus tour fares, with the exception of some services.

Duration: This rate will be valid for 4 years

Requirements: Entitled are all those who are registered in Palma or in any municipality that has joined this rate agreement: Marratxí and Sant Joan, comply with any of the following conditions. Should you be registered at any of the previously mentioned municipalities, the "Carnet Verd" card will be processed by the respective Town Hall.

  1. Pensioners below the age of 60 and whose pension does not exceed the 530€
  2. Disabled persons with a disability degree of at least 33%
  3. Spouse/Children (below the age of 18) of pensioners/disabled persons
  4. Any person receiving a minimum income pension (RMI)
  5. Persons dependent on public social welfare
  6. Required documentation:

General Documentation:
- Identity Card (DNI.)

Specific documentation:

PENSIONERS BELOW THE AGE OF 60- Current pension certificate issued by an official entity:
         INSS: c/ Pere Dezcallar i Net, 18
         IBAS: Via Alemanya, 6
-  In case of Permanent Total Disability Pension, widower's pension or orphan pension, or in favour of family members: Certificate of the last income tax declaration (or, if applicable, a negative income tax certificate) issued by the Tax Office (c/ Cecili Metel, 9). In case of an individual tax declaration, the income should not exceed 7,433 Euros; in case of a joint tax declaration, the total income shall not exceed 14,866 Euros.

- Disability certificate, issued by the responsible institution (IMSERSO, IBAS, INSS). The certificate must detail the disability degree.
         INSS: c/ Pere Dezcallar i Net, 18
         IBAS: Via Alemanya, 6
-  In case the disabled person is employed, the payslip from the previous month must be presented. 

PENSIONERS'/DISABLED PERSONS' SPOUSE/CHILDREN- Family book or cohabitation certificate.
- Certificate of the last income tax declaration (or, if applicable, a negative income tax certificate) issued by the Tax Office (c/ Cecili Metel, 9). In case of an individual tax declaration, the income should not exceed 8,980 Euros; in case of a joint tax declaration, the total income shall not exceed 17,959 Euros.

- Family book or Cohabitation Certificate
- Accreditation of the Minimum Pension presented by the beneficiary

-  IB-Salut sanitary card for impecunious persons .

For further information:

Social Services - office Avda Gabriel Alomar yVillalonga, 18, 1

Tel: 971 72.76.11/12  Fax:971 22.59.54

Opening hours from 8:30 hours until 14:30 hours, Monday to Friday (laboural days)

11 of November, 2022

Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulālia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat