Home -> Information -> What is the electronic office? -> Calendario días inhábiles

Calendar for non-working days

The services of Palma City Council's electronic office are operational 24 hours a day, each day of the year.

With respect to the calculation of time periods, non-working days will be considered to be those established as holidays in the official Community of the Balearic Islands and local festivals of Palma calendar of working holidays. The holidays assigned for the current year are detailed in the attached calendar.

NOTE: Days 24 and 31 are considered business days. At the Town Hall only provided service to the OAC Court Registry. Hours: 9:30 to 13:30


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Ajuntament de Palma
Square de Santa Eulālia 9. 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
Telephone: 010 / 971225900 / 630308226
Email: ajuntament@palma.cat